¿Qué es lo típico en la comida inglesa?

Aunque no lo creas, comida inglesa no es una contradicción de términos u oxímoron. Pese a la mala prensa que tiene en nuestra geografía, en Reino Unido son sobradamente capaces de tener manjares culinarios que provienen de sabrosas tradiciones. Uno de nuestros excelentes profesores nos ha redactado este texto en inglés para derribar alguno de los mitos y prejuicios que tenemos en torno a este polémico tema. También ofreceremos nombres sorprendentes de platos típicos, no pueden dejarte indiferente. En cuanto los traduzcas…te quedarás ojiplático. ¿Cuál crees que es el nombre que tiene el plato de la foto superior? Nosotros tendremos los callos y la oreja como platos típicos, tradición cañí, pero muy probablemente nos superan en creatividad y sentido del humor al nombrar lo que ponemos sobre la mesa. Aprende con nosotros sobre comida y cultura…¡y practica tu «Reading»!

Food, glorious food!

Let’s go beyond fish and chips and debunk the common myths surrounding British food- it may become your new favourite cuisine…

“I don’t like English food!” “You fry everything in butter!” “You only eat sandwiches”…these are just some of the typical reactions when students are asked about British dishes. Yes, British food has had a pretty bad write up over the years, but here are some fun facts to help dispel those urban legends. (¿te ha parecido muy difícil este texto? Si entiendes hasta este punto probablemente puedes afrontar preparación APTIS en Madrid o en cualquier otro sitio de España. Las fechas de nuestros cursos son para  preparar APTIS Madrid pero te podemos ayudar y gestionar todo también en otra provincia. Y si nada de lo que queda más adelante te supone ningún problema…quizá te puedas plantear hasta el Advanced).

Un dilema que no es tal: ¿es mejor cocinar con aceite o con mantequilla?

Butter or oil?

Ok, this really is an culinary urban legend. Contrary to popular belief, the British don’t use butter to fry anything more than an omelette. The reason is purely scientific: butter has a very low burning point so unless you’re frying something in less than 30 seconds, you need oil. Olive oil has been a favourite choice since the 1970’s, whereas before that it used to be sold in pharmacies for medicinal purposes. Older recipes call for beef dripping (the rendered fat from roasting), but this is since fallen out of fashion in favour of healthier choices like vegetable oil. The only caveat to the butter rule is the use of Ghee in South Asian cooking. Ghee is Indian style clarified butter than can be used in curries and is available in most supermarkets.

Top 5 de comidas en inglés  A veces con un nombre… ¡que quita el apetito!

The clue isn’t always in the name

Many a visitor to the UK has been confused by some of the names given to the more traditional recipes found there. Here are some examples of delicious, if strangely named, dishes.

1- Shepherd’s pie – this hearty oven baked dish thankfully isn’t made from any shepherds nor is it a pie in the true sense of the word. No pastry required, it is made from minced lamb and vegetables arranged under a layer of creamy mashed potato, it is perfect for a cold winter’s evening. If you don’t fancy lamb, try the beef alternative, cottage pie.

2- Mince pies– no Christmas celebrations are complete without these sweet, boozy pastries. Sweet mince? Isn’t mince carne picada? Yes, usually this word refers to meat but in this case it is a mixture of currants, orange peel, candied fruit, brandy and sugar. Served hot or cold, they take centre stage at festive celebrations and pair well with hot mulled wine or sherry.

3- Toad in the hole  – The name sounds like something from a witch’s cauldron- but in fact describes sausages baked in a simple batter made with flour, milk and eggs. An inexpensive and easy midweek dinner that won’t leave you indifferent- just don’t ask your guests to translate the name word for word!

4- Trifle – If something is a “trifle” or described as “trifling” it is an unimportant matter. Yet this so-called densely layered calorific dessert is anything but unimportant – it is a traditional sweet that has stood the test of time and can be tweaked to suit anyone’s tastebuds. The most typical version is a layer of sherry soaked sponge cake, followed by fruit filled jelly, a layer of custard and then a very generous topping of thick whipped cream. Even your most health conscious friends will throw caution to the wind when you end a meal with this one!

5- Spotted dick – The name may inspire wry smiles but this actually refers to a hearty steamed pudding made with lashings of custard.  This very traditional sweet is now enjoying a well deserved revival among those who remember it from the school canteens of yesteryear.

Comer en Reino Unido. ¿El secreto está en el pub?

Why haven’t I been to an English restaurant?

It’s true that the term “English restaurant” is rather a misnomer. But in fact, there is such thing: the humble pub. Pubs are great places to eat traditional dishes in an informal setting and their menus tend to include roast meats, pies, steaks in addition to other more modern alternatives. Just remember that you need to place your order at the bar and pay immediately.
After that, just relax and the food will be brought toyour table.

However, if there is no pub for miles, then try something even better: get invited to someone’s house. This style of cooking really shines when made at home, and of course to quote and old proverb  “when someone gives you their food, they give their heart”. Enjoy!


¿Os ha gustado el texto? Esperamos que haya sido enriquecedor como un buen plato. Os dejamos como siempre una lectura extra, con más información sobre comida típica en suelo inglés. En Reino Unido disponen de multitud de platos típicos, y el pudding seguro que te suena. Lee sobre cómo van a festejar la onomástica de la reina: ¡concurso de cocina popular!